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Wrington Primary School


North Somerset Local Authority is responsible for the admission of pupils to the school and applications should be made by contacting North Somerset Admissions Department directly on 01275 884078. Further information can be found through


For information regarding school admission arrangements for North Somerset Community and Voluntary Controlled schools, click the following links:     For 2022-2023 For 2021-2022


Link for the consultation information for 2023 2024  admissions

 School Admission Arrangements 2023-2024

 School Admission Arrangements 2024-2025

Appeals timetable 2024-2025

DRAFT Summary of proposed changes to Admission Arrangements

For school admission applications from overseas after 31st December 2020, please follow this link: Applications from overseas children

For the Appeals Timetable please click the following link: Appeals Timetable 2021.pdf

Each class at Wrington Church of England Primary School has a standard number of 30 places. This number is only exceeded in exceptional circumstances.

We welcome visits to the school and we hold open days where visitors can enjoy tours of the school. Please contact the school office for further information.

We see the education of your child as an important partnership and a number of induction activities are organised to support the successful and happy transition of new families to the school:

  • Reception induction includes a coffee morning for children, parents and carers; story-time sessions as well as other ‘stay and play’ opportunities;
  • We hold an information evening in the summer term where you can meet many of the staff and other key people from the school community;
  • We also invite prospective parents and their children to join us for our community events such as the Christmas fair and the annual PTA Fun Run.