Charity, Service and Courageous Advocacy
Service is one of our core values at Wrington and as a school we support a number of charities linked to our Global Goals ambitions and our curriculum learning.
Charities we support

Some of the charities we have supported in recent years have included:
- Toilet Twinning (inspired when our toilets were refurbished)
- Send a Cow (harvest time charity)
- Clevedon Foodbank (Harvest and during lockdown)
- Operation Christmas Child (led by School Council)
- Mary's Meals (supporting our Link school in Zambia)
- Royal British Legion
- RNLI (we are supported by the RNLI each year for our well-being week)
- Hospice SW (following its great support to some of our families)
- Children in Need
- Comic and Sports Relief
- Save the Children (Y4 collection)
- All Saints' Church and United Reform Church (retiring collections after events)
- Animal welfare (through Paignton Zoo)
Giving Service
We are fortunate to live in a thriving community and many people give their time and expertise so generously. It is important for us too to contribute to our community through giving service to others.
Examples of service include:
- Representing the school at the local Remembrance Day service
- Entertaining local residents at Christmas time with carols
- Accepting invitations to perform to the attendees at the church tea parties (recorder Y3, Choir)
- Responding to special requests to support those people in need in our community and beyond.
- Collecting food for food banks or other charitable work
- Decorating the church for special celebrations (Platinum Jubilee, Christian Festivals)
- Taking part in the Village Pageant
- Creating posters to remind people to clear up after their dogs to help our environment
Courageous Advocacy
We want to be agents of change to make our world a better place. Through our curriculum work and our Global Goals, we learn about the impact (positive and negative) we can have on our world. We learn to be responsible citizens and to speak out against injustice and wrongs, as we follow our school values.
Standing up for our beliefs takes courage at times.
We have taken part in action to persuade others to change
Here are some examples:
- Writing to HSBC regarding their ethical policy (which later changed!)
- Encouraging our school community to consider fair trade when purchasing goods during our harvest service
We support the United Nations Global Goals for sustainable development. You can find more about it by clicking this link: Global Goals
We have also been very fortunate to benefit from a number of charitable organisations and grant awarding bodies to support our learning such as:
Bristol Airport Grant -
- Solar panels for the Eco classroom
- Reception covered area
- Y1 outdoor classroom
- Contribution to our Walk-a-mile track
United Reform Chapel
- Spiritual Garden (currently in development)
- Spiritual Garden
National Lottery
- Y1 covered area (roof)
Churchill Music
- Financially supported Y2 violin project
- Power of Music well-being workshops
- Classical concerts
- Visits to Lowerstock farm
- Teaching Kitchen visits
Book link
Donations of IT equipment from local business
The School PTA (Our 4th Emergency service!)