School Council
Our School Council has a very important role in the school. Two Councillors are elected by each class for a term of office of a year. Their work complements the activities of Wrington Parliament (formally 'Development Teams') as they have a more ‘whole school’ aspect to their work.
This year, in addition to activities below, they are going to be involved in reviewing certain school policies and creating child-friendly versions, as well as considering the Sustainable Global Goals in relation to school life.
Activities previously undertaken by the School Council:
- Organising charity activities such as Operation Christmas Child
- Running whole school competitions concerning ‘Walk to School ‘week
- Leading tours for parents at our New Parent Induction Meeting
- Involvement in the appointment of new staff to the school with the School Council interview and feedback to Governors.
- Organising equipment for classrooms and playground.
- Appointing the Playground Buddies including short listing formal application forms, or application videos, from children.
- Being ambassadors of the school such as handing out orders of service for special services, or leading prayers in the School Carol Service.