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Wrington Primary School

Class 2

                                                     Welcome to our class page. 



We are a happy, kind and friendly class of 29 children who look out for each other and are always helpful and polite. We enjoy learning and love playing on our amazing school playgrounds and field.

Our teachers are Mrs. Pinner, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. John and our teaching assistant is Mrs. Mallender. We are very active and enjoy learning through exercise, ‘hands on’ exploring and being outside whenever we can. We are very excited to be learning about Japan, famous people and  events this year. We love our themed weeks and are very lucky to have so many opportunities to try new things. This year we will be learning French and the violin for the first time!


Year 2 visit to SS Great Britain and the Clifton suspension bridge

               Year 2 went to see the SS Great Britain to find out more about Brunel and his legacy. After looking at various primary sources, including many of his designs, we travelled back in time to find out how the ship was built. We had a go at using rivets which were used to build the hull of the ship. We then saw a painting of launch day and recreated the scene for ourselves. Before coming back to school we walked across Brunel's suspension bridge and saw his memorial. Sadly Brunel died before the bridge was completed in 1864.






Learning about Place value in Maths. 



Learning about the violin before we begin to learn it ourselves.



County cricket training 

We have been very lucky to receive cricket coaching from Somerset Cricket Club. We couldn't wait to get started!




British Values

      We have been learning all about democracy leading up to our school council elections.              We  learnt about Emily Davison, the suffragette movement and their fight to get the                vote  for everyone.     


                                                                     Specialist dance teacher

     We were very lucky to have Vicki, a specialist dance teacher, from Churchill academy to          come and work with us. She created a whole new dance for us to learn around Goldilocks          and the three bears. It was great fun. 





 Trip to Lowerstock farm 



            Care for animals                                           Leaf and tree identification 



Forest school                                                      Pond dipping

Identifying pond life


                                                                    Diwali puppet show 



                                             Science testing waterproof materials 

        We tried out Macintosh's idea. Will adding  a sticky substance to a material will make it more waterproof?  Very sticky and lots of fun. 





Year 2 Nativity

         We performed our Nativity 'Hey Ewe!'  to chapel audiences on the 5th and 6th                                       December. Mrs Pinner and Mrs Jones were so proud of us. 




 Year 2 class service 

We explained, wrote our own plays and role played our ideas about working together to achieve great things. 




 Henry Wakefield visit (Isambard Kingdom Brunel)

  Henry Wakefield, a time traveller from 1864 and a friend of Brunel, came to school to tell us all about Brunel’s life and his greatest achievements. Brunel’s first big project was building a tunnel under the River Thames, then creating the Great Western Railway from London to Bristol before using the same idea to create the first ship powered by steam – The SS Great Britain. The last project Brunel worked on was the designing of the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Brunel won the competition for the best design but sadly died before it was completed. His greatest legacy is that all of these achievements remain with us today.





World Book Day

We love to dress up as our favourite book characters. We designed medals based on our favourite stories, did a book swop and read with our reading buddies. A fabulous day was had by all.



'Hear My Voice'  music festival

Year 1 and 2 went to the Winter Gardens in Weston-super-Mare to participate in a singing festival with other local schools. We had great fun learning new songs and even sang a song with a little bit of Ukrainian in.  





Year 2 Nativity

         We performed our Nativity 'Prickly hay'  to chapel audiences on the 7th and 8th                                       December. Mrs Pinner and Mrs Jones were so proud of us. 







                 History     The Great Fire of London visitor February 2022

       We welcomed Jethro Knuckleskull to school from 1666! He was Samuel Pepys servant.          He told us everything he knew about the Great Fire and we helped him as he told us  about his life and what he had seen. 







In science we have been learning all about plants and habitats. We planted our own 

seeds and watched them grow. What were the conditions needed for 

our seeds to germinate and how come when Mrs Pinner put her seeds in 

the cupboard or fridge they would not grow? 


        Our work on habitats started by identifying items on the school field which were 

         alive, dead or never been alive. We had to think about life processes to determine  which category to place different objects. Does it move? Can it breathe?

Did it once grow? Has it ever reproduced or needed nutrition?



What is a habitat and which type of animals live in different types of habitats?

Why  do you find different types of creatures living in different places?

We went looking to see. 



Drawing and writing about our special place in PHSE, in a special place.




Year 2 having an amazing opportunity to learn to play the violin with a professional musician.



Using drama to learn about the Hindu gods of  Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. 









