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Wrington Primary School

Curriculum statement

 'The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited' Plutarch

At Wrington Church of England Primary School we strive to provide children with a stimulating, engaging and forward-thinking curriculum, which challenges, excites and motivates children.  Our motto, ‘cherish and nurture, flourish and aspire’ is fundamental to the curriculum, rooted in Christian values, and we work in partnership with the whole community of the school to achieve this.  At Wrington, children are cherished and nurtured to be confident, happy and inquisitive learners, encouraged to be ambitious and seize the many opportunities that the school (and beyond) provides. This enables an education which lays a firm foundation of aspiration, curiosity and the belief that we can all make a positive difference in our world.

The breadth of our curriculum reflects our belief that the primary years are fundamental in inspiring passions, developing attitudes and shaping aspirations for the future. We are committed to ensuring that children have an education of the highest possible quality realised through an innovative, ambitious and inclusive curriculum, underpinned by our Christian values:

One that looks locally- 

  • celebrating our community links and local experts;
  • recognising, appreciating and learning from the historic area and rural countryside in which we are situated,   
  • drawing on children's interests and experiences,
  • building on our established links with All Saints Church and the United Reformed Chapel

One that is outward facing-

  • provides opportunities to ‘think big’
  • reflecting on issues that affect the wider world
  • exploring possibilities outside the locality and challenging children with new ideas, experiences and ambition 
  • goes beyond the national curriculum
  • develops courageous advocacy enabling children to be agents of change

We support children in their sense of agency and their ability to take an active role in shaping the future.  Inspired by a visit to the United Nations in 2016, an important pillar of our curriculum is the UN Sustainable Development Goals which are woven into learning from EYFS to Y6 and help to encourage children in developing courageous advocacy.

Our pedagogy is drawn from national and international research. We strive to constantly reflect and review our practice as part of our learning culture for all.  We are committed to developing children’s growth-mindset, resilience and confidence to challenge themselves, unafraid to make mistakes, secure in the knowledge that this can lead to deeper learning. 

classroom learning Y1

The curriculum is carefully structured. There is clear progression in all subject areas, enabling children to learn effectively, developing their understanding and deepening their knowledge as we strive for academic excellence.  Children are supported through careful differentiation and scaffolding. We have embraced the Chris Quigley model of ‘Threshold Concepts’ : subject specific concepts which children revisit at different stages of their time at the school in order to build upon prior knowledge and understanding and develop a 'schema' for deeper learning.


 A taste of our curriculum...

Within our curriculum, as well as ensuring that all aspects of the National Curriculum are met, we provide children with a diverse range of opportunities such as chess and Latin, whole -class and individual instrumental lessons, Farmlink workshops and themed weeks and days (well-being, science, arts), which have been specifically selected to ensure that we provide an irresistible education, which develops the ‘whole-child’ and deepens their cultural capital.

Violinist playing

There is a local aspect to the curriculum: Expertise can be found in our locality and we have strong links with a local artist and a local historian who regularly inspire children with their knowledge and skills. In terms of humanities, we are able to utilise the rich history of the church and churchyard where the philosopher, John Locke and the philanthropist, Hannah Moore, are buried. Trips and visits to Wells Cathedral, Bristol,  London and the Devon Coast expand children's experiences and we are delighted to have a link school in Zambia whom we support.

We value specialism amongst teachers and encourage opportunities for children to experience expertise through working with specialist staff (e.g. music, RE, Classics) in addition to their class teachers. We believe passionately in developing a love of lifelong learning for all. Specialists' and experts' enthusiasm can be infectious!

The performing arts have a central role to play in developing confidence, presentation skills and team work at Wrington. A wide range of informal and formal opportunities are given for this, from the recounting choral poetry in a Harvest celebration, KS1 Nativity, entering the school Eisteddfod or Rotary Youth Speaks competition, performing on stage at the Playhouse in the annual dance festival or having a prominent role in our Key Stage 1 Nativity or Key Stage 2 Pantomime, to name but a few. We have a school orchestra and two school choirs.

Sport thrives at the school.  All children are encouraged to find ‘their’ sport and will represent the school at some point in their time at the school. We are a Platinum Sports Mark School and regularly complete in inter-school competitions in a range of sports disciplines. In recent years we have reached the National finals in Dodgeball and Tag rugby, the latter at which we were awarded the 'Fair Play' Trophy for sportsmanship .

Playground sport

As a church school, our Christian values underpin all our learning and develop relationships which ensure the success of the school. ‘Cherish and Nurture, flourish and aspire’ is the school motto combined with our Federation guidance principle of ‘Let all that you do be done in love’ 1 Corinthians 14-16 and together these provide the cornerstone of all that we do. For further information on the curriculum, click on the relevant button.


Phonics and Early Reading information

Whole School Curriculum Map 

Curriculum Map by Year Group

Values and Enrichment Overview

Further Curriculum Information

To find out more detail about our curriculum, please speak to your child's class teacher or for more general enquiries, please contact the school office, who will be happy to assist you.