Legge's Charity
Legge’s is a small local charity which provides grants to families who live in the Parish of Wrington, whose children attend or have attended Wrington Primary School, to help with the cost of extra-curricular activities such as music lessons, school residential trip costs, school visits or special tuition, special equipment, uniform, etc.
It is open to anyone with children at the school and in these days of costly educational experiences, lessons etc., we would urge you to consider applying. Anyone wishing to make an application should collect a form from the school office reception area and complete it and return to school or directly to Gabrielle Wilson, 4 Old Station Close, Wrington. Alternatively, you can download the form here.
We really encourage you to apply; the grant is there to enhance the educational experience of children. All correspondence relating to any grants requested or issued is totally confidential. If you would like to speak to Ms Joskey in confidence about it before applying, she would be very happy to meet with you.