“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh.Your caption here
Wellbeing and Mental Health
Every child is valued for their individuality and we believe that all children have the right to feel safe, happy, respected, encouraged and supported to achieve their full potential. We recognise that sometimes for all of us there can be challenges along the way and we work hard to promote wellbeing and encourage positive mental health for all, even when children find their circumstances challenging or their feelings overwhelming. An important factor in this is supporting children to develop resilience, one of our 'High five for behaviour' .
Our Mental Health lead is Tracey Jones and our Learning Mentor is Lucy Smith who works directly with children needing additional support with their wellbeing or mental health. Oscar Chambers-Smith is the Senior Mental Health Lead within the Federation. In addition, Philippa Madge promotes the teaching of Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) learning across the school. Most staff are trained in basic Mental Health First Aid with Tracey Jones trained to the next level. We are currently in training to become a Nurture UK school with its important focus on well being and mental health.
Some of the ways we promote Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health
- Our school ethos:
Cherish, Nurture, Flourish and Aspire
- Our high five for behaviour:
Safe, Kind, Respect, Resilient and Ready
- Our Personal, Social and Health Education based on the accredited and renowned ‘Jigsaw’ scheme of work.
- Frequent learning and discussion in class to develop resilience, encouraging talking about feelings and promoting positive strategies for well-being.
- Close relationships with children and families to identify any issues early on.
- Mental Health Week with a focus on resilience, managing feelings and worries.
- Use of ‘Worry Monsters’ in class to share worries.
- A range of recommended books for Wellbeing 'Read Well' range as well as a selection of books both fiction and non-fiction aligned to the Jigsaw scheme for use both in class and with individual children.
- We are members of the North Somerset Mental Health Network and attend regular training and are kept up to date with a variety of developents and initiatives nationally and locally.
Wellbeing Week
Our annual ‘Wellbeing Week’ involving a range of activities that may include:
- Visits from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) covering safety on the coast, inland waterwayS and sinking sand.
- Visits from the Dogs’ Trust about dog safety and caring for dogs.
- A focus on bullying and how to prevent it and deal with it
- On-line safety – including cyber-bullying and using the internet in a kind and positive way.
- Healthy eating
- The importance of exercise and activity
- Mindfulness activities, yoga etc.
Anti-Bullying Poetry
Assessing Wellbeing and Mental Health
Our use of circle times, discussion of feelings and issues and work in the classroom enables class teachers to assess children informally. In addition we use our knowledge of individuals and our relationships with families to spot when a child may be struggling. As a Nurture UK school in training, we are assessing all children using the Boxall Profile in order to identify emotional support needs. This is an individualised approach to wellbeing and these simple assessments help focus on behaviours that may indicate underlying issues which can then be supported.
Year 2 Worry Board
When Children Need Additional Support for Wellbeing or Mental Health
- Early identification is important so we work build close relationships with children, parents, families and team members to review children who may be struggling. A range of interventions may be implemented which could include small group working or 1-1 sessions with our trained and experienced Learning Mentor using resources such as Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA). Additional adult support might also be given in class or at playtimes if necessary. If you are concerned about your child, do get in touch.
- Beyond school we work with other agencies, as necessary to support any children with more significant mental health concerns such as Educational Psychologists, School Nursing Team and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
“When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming.” Dory, Finding Nemo.
Sources of Information and Support for parents and children:
Talk to your child’s class teacher, Mrs Jones or Mrs Allen (via the office or Class Dojo).
Contact your GP
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Signs That a Child Is Suffering From Mental Health Issues | NSPCC
How to support your child's mental health – Place2Be
Buddy Zone | Childline – activities for children to try at home with a parent’s permission.
Home - Kooth – confidential advice, support and resources for children aged 10+