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Wrington Primary School

Pastoral Support

We have a pastoral support team who are here to help your child flourish. All staff are nurture trained but our specific team consists of our Learning Mentor (Mrs Lucy Smith), our Deputy Head (Miss Rebecca Matthews) and our SENDCO (Mrs Tracey Jones).

Mrs Sarah Whitehouse (DDSL and Deputy Head) and Ms Sarah Joskey (DSL and Head) are also involved in pastoral support through their safeguarding roles.

We are here to help. For children, we provide a listening ear where children can share their worries or frustrations. We can support them indivudually or in small groups and we aim to break down the barriers to learning so that they can flourish. We follow the six principles of nurture (Nurture UK) and this can be in a wide range of areas including:

  • dealing with friendship issues
  • confidence and self-esteem boosting
  • social and emotional concerns
  • establishing routines
  • attendance
  • managing emotions
  • dealing with conflict
  • changes at home
  • family breakdown
  • coping with illness 
  • bereavement - losing a loved one
  • being a young carer
  • changes in school such as transitions to another class or school


There is no such thing as a silly question! We want to help.

Pastoral support can take a wide range of approaches with both children and their families including:

  • one to one sessions
  • small group work
  • offering practical advice
  • supporting with form filling and applications
  • supporting parents in meetings
  • being a listening ear
  • accessing food bank vouchers and other benefits
  • signposting to helpful resources
  • directing parents to other useful agencies or support groups
  • safeguarding worries such as domestic violence (see our safeguarding page for further info)
  • parent groups
  • providing parent and carer drop in sessions such as linked to SEND or attendance
  • coffee and a chat sessions

The school newsletter regularly features articles which offer pastoral support and keeping children safe. You may also find further helpful guidance on the Parent  and Child tabs on this website.