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Wrington Primary School

Staff Team 

Meet the staff team:

Headteacher  (SLT)

Ms. Sarah Joskey (Designated Safeguarding Lead and Collective Worship Lead)

I am usually based in Wrington on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and at Burrington on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Deputy Headteacher* (SLT)

*Mrs. Corinne Clarke (English and PFL - French and Classics- Lead) is currently on secondment to another school.

During this time Miss Rebecca Matthews and Mrs Sarah Whitehouse will be sharing the Deputy role.

Acting Deputy and Y5 (SLT)

Mrs. Sarah Whitehouse (Music, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Joint Science Lead)

Acting Deputy and Y6 (SLT)

Miss Rebecca Matthews Teacher (Maths, PE and Educational Visits Co-ordinator)

Reception Class Team

Mrs Sarah Hodder (Teacher and EYFS Lead)

Mrs Julie Pinner (Teacher, History Lead and Library)

Mrs Lucy Smith LSA

Mrs Mary Browne LSA

Year 1 Team

Miss Nicola Veater (Teacher and Art specialist) 

Mrs Kay Miles (Teacher)

Mrs. Elaine Semple (LSA)

 1:1 support

Year 2 Team

Mrs Tracey Jones (Teacher and SEND/ Vulnerable Children and Looked-After Children  Lead, Safeguarding team DDSL, )

Mrs. Samantha Stone (Teacher, DT Lead and School Council Leader)

Mrs. Frances Mallender (LSA)


Year 3 Team

Miss Philippa Madge (Teacher and PHSE Lead)

Mrs Elaine Gray (Teacher and RE Lead)

Mrs. Jean Keenan (LSA)

Mrs Ashleigh Parker (LSA )


Year 4 Team

Mrs Mascord (Teacher and PFL specialist)

Mrs Petherick Moss (Teacher and Geography Lead)

Mrs Jean Keenan (LSA)

Mrs Ashleigh Parker (LSA )


Year 5 Team

Mrs. Sarah Whitehouse (Acting Depurty, Teacher, Deputy Designated teacher for safeguarding, English and Music Lead )

Mrs Sarah Weber (Teacher,  Science Lead and Charities Champion)

Kay Miles (Upper School TA)


Year 6 Team

Miss Rebecca Matthews (Acting Deputy, Maths and PE Lead)

Mrs. Kay Miles (Upper School TA)


Other members of the teaching team

Miss Anne Clough (specialist music teacher R,1,2,3,4&6)


Learning Mentor

Mrs. Lucy Smith (vulnerable children, attendance support, emotional well-being, family support, domestic violence, safeguarding team)


Other support staff




Mrs Kerry Slater

Mrs. Zena Langman

Mrs. Elaine Semple

Mrs Nadiia Kosariava

Future Stars  (sports coaches) also support our lunchtime provision



Mrs. Liz Moody


Admin Team

Mrs Lesley May (Senior School Administrator)

Mrs. Celia Hinds (School Administrator)

Mrs. Angela Ribbon-Miles (Music Lessons, finance support and attendance)



Mr. Andrew Smith


School Cook

Aspens Team